Caroline Opheys

Since graduating in Communication Design at the University in Aachen in 2016, Caroline lives in Düsseldorf at the river Rhein. Before making her way into the wonderful world of chilbdren's book illustration, Caroline worked at a few ad agencies in their creative departments. Here she learned the fast paced work process often involved in the creative business.

With the right music or a great podcast to listen to, Caroline illustrates preferably digitally. Even though she works digitally she loves to embrace and keep the things that seem imperfect to give her work the fresh and spontaneous touch it has. For inspiration Caroline enjoys the outdoors or spends time in a Café where often life tells the best stories itself.

Clients include: Ellermann Verlag, Oetinger Verlag, Magellan Verlag, Kaufmann Verlag, Südpol Verlag, Loewe, Penguin Junior, Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag, Arena Verlag, Ueberreuter, dtv, Fischer Kinder- und Jugendbuch, arsEdition, Schneiderbuch, Baumhaus Verlag

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